

Determination Firmness of Purpose, being resolute about your lifestyle and future

Only read this if you want a change in lifestyle or to plan your future.

Determination is the ability to get yourself in sync with values and follow a self-analysis plan that includes Thought - Purpose - Passion - Action.

We commit to small daily, routine things frequently. Some of these commitments get done and others lose their importance and never get done they are forgotten. Many of these were whims but the serious ones like self-improvement or planning and working on the future don’t get accomplished either. 

People do this every New Year. Only 15% actually achieved any of their resolutions, because there is a lack of determination to see them through. 

Not being determined is taking the easy way in life. This attitude can cause you to live reactively and does nothing for creating a fulfilling future. 

In our day-to-day lives, determination doesn’t receive much attention. We are too busy trying to keep our boat afloat. Most don’t think or realize they need resolution - just go with the flow. We should be seeing ourselves, every day being determined to accomplish our Purpose. 

Of course, to be firm and resolute we must have a plan for our lives - Purpose. A plan that has four essential powerful components; Thought - Purpose - Passion - Action.

People actually avoid determination. We commit to improving the very thing that will enhance the quality of life, but don’t pursue it with determination. We sometimes think about what we want in life, then go to bed and get a good night’s sleep and forget about it - no determination. 

The more you avoid being determined about your Purpose the more aimless you become. Aimless is not a good place to be if you are serious about a great future. You have greatness in you but you have to bring it out - be determined to do it.

Determined people have the same problems as you may be facing; procrastination, and negative input from yourself or others but they overcome using Thought - Purpose -Passion - Action and become determined - you can do this.

People who concentrate on their future with determination have produced extraordinary results. Many people started successful ventures from the kitchen table/garage or went from poverty to a fantastic lifestyle.

When you don’t have determination you will give into the path of least residence - the path to nowhere. If you feel relieved about avoiding determination you are strengthening the negative part of life, where you don’t want to be.

True determination is something you create/develop from knowing your mindset, values, and purpose. Don’t go another day without giving deep, serious thought to each of these essential areas. 

A lot of times it takes courage to be determined. You may have to change what you're telling yourself, and how you talk to yourself. People may try to discourage you from pursuing your Purpose - be determined. As the definition says, determination is firmness of Purpose. 

So ask yourself are you determined to achieve your Purpose or a go-with-the-flow type of person, not taking life seriously. There are millions of people not taking life seriously - life is a serious business. 

William Mather Lewis had it right: “The tragedy of life is not that it ends too soon, but that we wait too long to begin it”. 

This identifies most people. Don’t be in this group!! 

Today is the time to begin, if not now, when?  

Don’t be reactive be proactive!

This post is a supplement to my report Victory Over Self. The report was written to introduce you to the basics of self-improvement and how to achieve fulfillment in your future. 


I have the Victory Over Self report available to you for the nominal fee of $11.00, less than the cost of a pizza and much more beneficial. Be proactive order here.    

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Only read this if you want to have a change in lifestyle or plan your future.

Commitment: dedicated to a cause - Purpose 

A major problem people have with any quest for success/self-improvement is commitment. Without commitment, you may as well just become a quitter or stay a daydreamer, and live life as it comes - aimlessly. 

We have all been committed to something, now or in the past. Right now you’re probably committed to earning a living, paying bills, mortgage, etc. Anytime you sign a contract or promise something you are committed. This type of commitment is necessary for daily living, and subsistence (surviving). 

Your commitment needs to go beyond merely surviving. You need to commit to thriving. We were created to thrive, not just survive. Successful people have much more commitment than the average person. 

Be committed to your future and where you are going to spend the rest of your life, does this make sense? Having a plan starts with Purpose and commitment. 

Do you have a clearly defined Purpose for your life? If not, why not? 

We should all be striving for the next level of lifestyle and living comfortably, independently, and freely. It is the next level we don’t want to miss. We settle for a fraction of what we could have. 

If you don’t have a written, clearly defined, Purpose for your life then you should give serious thought to creating one - it is essential. Then promise to commit/devote yourself to your Purpose. Your level of commitment will determine your level of fulfillment. 

The majority of people are satisfied with just getting by (surviving). It has been reported that only 10% of the people who start a journey to fulfill their Purpose/dreams/goals achieve what was started.  The 90% who don’t succeed simply quit. Nowhere is quitting associated with success! There are many excuses for quitting but never a good reason - Have Purpose then be committed!  

Being uncommitted is not your friend. Like quitting uncommitted is never associated with success. How many people on their deathbeds wish they had been more uncommitted? Constantly confront these two choices - commit or go uncommitted - the choice is yours; commit to having a great future. If you are okay with the “good enough” syndrome - I am happy for you and wish you a lot of luck concerning your future. 

With a “good enough” attitude you will never know what might have been had you tried to fulfill your Purpose. This has been asked by many therapists “how does that make you feel”?  

Commitment is not always easy - but for the most part, it is simple. Connect another word with commitment: consistency. Commitment to your purpose must be consistent.  An on-and-off attitude of commitment does not work. Over time you may find you are more off than on, that happens to the majority of people, but not you. The mind tends toward the negative and off is negative, stay committed to your purpose!! If you find that off is frequent in your thinking then you need to filter what your inner-self is receiving from your thinking.

After all, is said you must be involved in your business of life. Where there is no involvement there is no commitment. Be proactive, you are the CEO of your life. 

Being proactive and committed you will be able to say:  I’m glad I did, not I wish I had.

“ The tragedy of life is not that it ends too soon, but we wait too long to start it”.  William Mather Lewis

This post is a supplement to my report Victory Over Self. The report was written to introduce you to the basics of self-improvement and how to achieve fulfillment in your future. 

I have the Victory Over Self report available to you for the nominal fee of $11.00, less than the cost of a pizza and much more beneficial. Be proactive order here.    

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Have a very successful day!

Thank you for your time.

Dave Brockway
